Wednesday 17 July 2019

Estimating Materials for Fiberglass Buildings in Colorado

When you start the process of setting up fiberglass buildings in Colorado, here is how you should estimate for materials:

Step 1: Start by calculating the surface area of the project

Estimate irregular shapes by measuring the approximate sized rectangles necessary for containing the tapered areas. Multiply the length by the width for each rectangle, and then add all the rectangles together to obtain the total surface area of the part. If the calculation is in square feet, divide by nine to get the measurement in square yards.

Step 2: Make a list of each type of reinforcement for lamination

Multiply the square yards calculated above with the ounce-weight of the fabric. This is the total weight of a single layer of that material. It is also the amount of resin that is needed to saturate it. When this is known for a few different types of materials, you can calculate the weight and cost of a laminate created from any combination of these fabrics. To convert the ounce-weight to pounds, divide by 16.

Step 3: Calculate use of gel coat, primer coat, and surfacing primer

Except for the very lightest of molded laminations, all require a gel coat. This gel coat must be 15-20 mils in thickness. A 20 mil gel coat will need one gallon of gel coat mix for each 80 square feet of mold surface.

When covering plywood with fiberglass, additional resin is needed to prime the wood as well. This is apart from the resin required to saturate the fiberglass. To ensure adequate saturation, add 20% more resin to the original estimate.

Fiberglass buildings in Colorado will be easier to build if you follow these estimating steps.

To know more about Fibreglass Enclosures please visit our website:


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